Thursday, May 3, 2007

Seeing- quote responses #1

*page 693*
"But I never lurked about. I would go straight home and not give the matter another thought, until, some months later, I would be gripped again by the impulse to hide another penny."
This is the narrator speaking of the days when she was about six or seven and had desires to hide her pennies for other people to find. The way she describes how she planned it out and then leaves quickly seems kind off creeepy to me.

*page 695*
"Finally I asked, "What color am I looking for?" and a fellow said, "Green." "When at last I picked out the frog, I saw what painters are up against: te thign wasn't green at all, but the color of wet hickory bark."
I was intrigued by this quote because I always seem to have the same problem. Whenever I ask what color something is, people always give me back a general color. Sometimes I disagree with this color and often times it maddens me to think that people dont know any specific colors. People are too vague for my taste when it comes to art. A true artist could tell you exactly what color something was like the wet hickory bark. I do the same thing. Wehn people ask me what color somethign is, I tell them exactly what color the object is.

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