Sunday, May 6, 2007

Seeing - quote response #2

*page 702*
"A fifteen-year-old boy, who was aslo in love with a girl ath the asylum for the blind, finally blurted out, "No, really, I can't stand it any more; I want to be sent back to the asylum again. If things aren't altered, I'll tear my eyes out.""
This quote struck me as interesting because it put into persepective how powerful eyesight is. The impact on a life that seeing has is great. The quote is one example of this. THe boy who had been blind and recieved surgery was in love with another blind girl. The fact that he could now see and had to be removed was life changing for him. One of the changes involved was never "seeing" his love again. This drove the boy to almost insanity in order to just be in her presance again. That is why he made the statement he did.

*PAGE 704*
"Like a blind man at the ball game, I need a radio."
The narrator is trying to elaborate upon the fact that unless she knows exactly what is going on inher surroundings she will simply observe. Therfore, not saying anything, she just becomes aware of what is going on around her. Only when in a familiar place will the narrator speak and speak openly. When in a familiar place she will speak freely. This analogy relates because it is as if she were at a baseball game. Since she does not understand the sport and may not be able to follow where the ball goes, rather than talking she watches and pays attention in order to better her understanding of what is happening.

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