Sunday, April 8, 2007

The Dharma Bums- quote response

Page 5:
* "Practice charity without holding in mind any conceptions about charity, for charity after all is just a word."
-- Ray Smith, as we later find out is the main character's full name, reminds himself of this as he shares his wine, bread, and cheese with a true Dharma Bum he meets freight hopping. The bum happens to be eating sardines out of a can and therefore Ray feels inclined to share his offerings with the man. Ray does this happily and without thinking, though, which points to the quote that helping someone out is not a hassle. The word charity seems to influnece people's thinking that it is liek a chore to aid those less fortunate. The quote proves that is it quite the opposite in the sense that helping others should be fun and not a pain to do.

Page 18:
* "..that showed his belief in the simple monastic life-no chairs at all, not even one sentimental ricking chair, but just straw mats."
--Ray is describing Japhy's hut. The man seems to live with the bare necessities of life, literally. All that you find in the twelve by twelve home were straw mats, his ruck-sack with all of his pots and pans, a pair of never before worn, Japanese shoes, and a pair of socks. Other than that the house was pretty much empty. This is different from a typical modern home which tends to be overfurnished with many lavish items.

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